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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Here we have a splendid example of how a neighborhood changes over 60-plus years. You are at the intersection of Nottingham Way, Hamilton Avenue and North Hamilton Avenue and heading toward Mercerville's "five points." Ironically two of the cars in the photo, the 1940 Nash on the far left, and the Hudson in the foreground were the two auto marques that I lusted for back in 1952 when I was a young driver. However, the budget only allowed for the $25 1937 Ford "Business Coupe" that I bought from a guy in Morrisville.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Way back before there were digital cameras, and during the era when 35 millimeter film was state of the art, I did a walk around various Bromley area to find some of it antiquity. A number of the photos I took were incorporated in my "THE WAY WE WERE" column that I wrote for the late great Mercer Messenger. Sorry to say the article is truncated and only certain photos are identified.
Monday, December 29, 2014
This70 year old photo is the city as I remember it during the many visits Mom Glover made to downtown Trenton with me during the war years, right up to 1955 when Pvt. Tom Glover took a Trailways bus from the Perry Street Terminal to Fort Devens, Massachusetts to begin a 9 month super secret Army Security Agency training course in Signal Intelligence. The exquisite detail reveals many very familiar merchants. The old WWII Trenton Transit bus stopped at the curb, the "War Loan" sign suspended over W. State Street, and the throngs of shoppers brings back pleasant memories of a Trenton that was a vital shopping center before the destructive riots of the 1960's and the establishment of the many malls that surround the area.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
There it was all those years in the 20th century. It was a "second run" theater that folded with the destruction in the 1960's. The great old theater ended up as a sex-oriented theater before it closed. It was located on North Broad Street just north of Academy Street.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Historian Sally Lane Graf taught me to look at the architectural details of many of Trenton's old buildings wherein you will find very interesting history. Even though the building is long gone, the lower photo shows the "Metropolitan" building which I believe was a predecessor to today's "dollar stores." This was at 115 E. State Street and the above exploded view showing F.W. Woolworth, W.T. Grant, and S.S. Kresge will show that Grant's took over the building. By the way, that whole string of buildings is no more.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
I have always loved trade cards and antique greeting cards. The art work is exquisite and the colors truly brilliant. Merry Christmas to the many visitors to this website and my Face book pages. Happy New Year too!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
I have devoted my retirement to trying to bring uplifting, spiritual, feel good music to my many senior citizen friends. Indeed, the recently cancelled Hamilton Library program "1943: A WARTIME CHRISTMAS" was to have been a memorial to our grammar school years at Christmas time. As many of you know, I just finished my 8th summer concert series at the Kuser Farm gazebo and also on the Hamilton Library Gazebo area. No, we didn't have "SRO" standing room only crowds, but we did have just what I was looking for: those who are thirsty for just a taste of their younger years. At one of my programs this past summer, a lady wheeling a senior citizen sat on the sidelines listening to the music. I was singing that WWII heart breaker,
"I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places,
that this heart of mine embraces all day through.
In that small cafe, the park across the way, the children's carousel,
the chestnut tree, the wishing well.
I'll bee seeing you in every lovely summer day,
In everything that's bright and gay,
I'll always think of you that way,
I'll find you in the morning sun, and when the night is new,
I'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be seeing you.."
Even as I write those heart-rending but beautiful lyrics with tear filled eyes, so too did this WWII hero as he covered his eyes with a Kleenex tissue.I went to him, microphone in hand, and he apologized!
He had just recently lost his wife. Apologized! I can only paraphrase what I said to the gentleman: "Sir: every one of those tears is a gift from your God. After the sacrifice you and your fellow WWII members of the "Greatest Generation" gave to us, you should know we love and appreciate you.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
On Wednesday evening at approximately 8 PM, my dear life partner Judy Britton Glover went to be with the Lord. All I do is cry, cry, cry and then cry some more. My Friday Christmas sing along has been cancelled.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Before there was Toys R Us, Walmart, Kmart, there was GOLDBERG'S. How I
loved that old store! Any old timers remember walking on those creaky
wooden floors as you went Christmas shopping with Mom? Remember the
pulley conveyor they used to exchange paper from one department to the
next? Gone are the days! I have written numerous columns over these 32 years recalling Christmas shopping with my mom as a young boy. I was even much like Ralphy in "The Christmas Story," as I lusted for a Red Ryder Beebee gun. Ralphy got one. I didn't. Mom Glover was not a gun lover. I remember I did get a substitute cap gun. It was a Lone ranger white pearl handled six shooter complete with a holster and 4 SILVER bullets on the belt. I was really bad as I loaded it with a roll of caps and my buddy Don Slabicki and I took on the Butch Cavendish gang!
Friday, December 12, 2014
This excellent engraving shows the relatively austere St. Francis Hospital as it appeared in 1897. This is a duplication of the same view which was posted many hundreds of pages ago. Note the greenhouse in the right foreground. The sisters made good use of that green house to provide food for themselves and the patients; all of whom were cared for, regardless of race or religion.
Fourteen years ago, in December, 2005, I started this local history website (AKA "Blog). As can be seen in the statistical chart in the box bordered with green, there have been 1,066,586 page views. I am very grateful to all those many visitors who folks who visit this site on a frequent basis. It is my goal to continue to do my best to bring interesting local history and nostalgia to the community.
Sunday, December 07, 2014
So, with the meds I am taking I am now back in the saddle again, with only a minor suggestion that the ear infection is still there but it seems to be getting better each day.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
White Horse, Hamilton Township is said to be the first Christmas Tree farm in America. Of course that can't be proven, but until someone comes along from New Jersey with an earlier date than McGalliard's 1901 venture.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
When God created Heaven, the earth, and all things on it, his master plan was subliminally given to those of us who would explore the incredible fruits of His creation.
Consider the photo: On the left in the photo, a leaf dies, even as other branches on the right begin to stir and form green buds through the coldest winters, waiting for Spring and new life. Is there not a subtle message here?
I was only ten years old, but those 3 cousins of mine shown above were a very important part of life in the Glover household during my younger years. My mother's sister, Ruth Mount Williamson died at an early age during very lean years of the 1930's. The Williamsons lived with my family on Hartley Avenue until they all grew up and went their separate ways. I have another photo of John, Madeline, his girlfriend at the time, and Mom Glover in the PX at Fort Dix where "Goog" was to celebrate Thanksgiving. Look very closely and you will see Newkirk Avenue in the background, and Kuser Farm.
The Trenton Daily True American was a proponent of the Democratic party and the competing Daily State Gazette a pro Republican publication. There were MANY very caustic attacks by both papers against each other in the early 20th century. (Think NY Post vs. The New York Times"). 1873 was a year of financial and social problems as reported in the article; a number of which are alive and well in this Thanksgiving Day of 2014,.
True lovers of local history will be interested in this full page collection of reportage on Thanksgiving Day in the Trenton of 1900. It is for those folks that this full page account of the many interesting activities of that day were reported on by the Trenton Daily True American. This is a very large file and consequently the final display results in what we seniors call "fine print;" but it is worth the effort to read this fascinating account.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
I found this to be a fascinating article. The Bear Swamp are is that area in the Lawrence-Quaker Bridge-Hutchinsons Mills area of Hamilton.
"I'm gonna buy a paper doll that I can call my own,
A doll that other fellows cannot steal.
An then those flirty flirty guys with their flirty flirty eyes,
Will have to flirt with dollies that are real.
When I get home at night she'll be there waiting,
She'll be the truest doll in all the world,
I'd rather have a paper doll that I can call my own,
Than have a fickle minded real live girl.."
Saturday, November 22, 2014
It was my privilege to present an onscreen presentation for the Junior 4 Alumni Association a few weeks ago. There ar 54 Junior Four files (24 gigabytes) of photos and articles in the growing "JUNIOR 4" folder and growing. There were over 100 alumni at that annual dinner and I was completely amazed at the incredible love they had for that great old school and the education they received during their years as students. The graphic shows the "Forward" page with an empty graduation gown cleverly placed on a chair, vacated by one of the students who graduated from there with a splendid and complete education. I superimposed the cover of the 1946 ARGUS to add a bit of color.
Friday, November 21, 2014
During one of my lunches with my dear friend, the late Maury Perilli, the subject of the proposed "center city" relocation of Hamilton Township's municipal offices which is in the field across from the Hamilton Library and police station in what I believe to be known as the Morgan Tract. Relocation would of course mean the evacuation of that beautiful red brick colonial style building at 2090 Greenwood Avenue. Maury assured me that the move was well into the future due to fiscal constraints, but it would ultimately happen. Given the unhappy fate of that beautiful Trenton Central High school and the forthcoming wrecker's ball, I would hope that future town leaders would save that historic building which was built when Hamilton was still a largely rural community with large farms dotting the map.
About the photo: The original was a large panoramic photo of the area in front of the municipal building taken during the celebration of the dedication of the building at 2090 Greenwood Avenue. The clarity is amazing with a very interesting view of Greenwood Cemetery in the background. As to the "Enterprise Vol. Fire Co." and their gorgeous rigs, in my limited time as a Colonial Volunteer firemen, we referred to Enterprise ad "Hamilton-Enterprise."
Whoa, does this photo bring back some vintage memories! With the Hamilton Municipal building just out of the photo, one gets a very interesting view of the open land that surrounded our local town hall back in 1947 when I was a Kuser Annex Hamilton High School freshman. I remember we used to walk from Kuser School to Greenwood School where township physician would give our class physical exams or perhaps a vaccination or some other kind of needle. I specifically recall that open field which now serves as a public parking lot where I have parked countless times.
What memories! There's the late, lamented White Horse Tavern as it
looked 56 years ago. The panel truck in front of that historic building then
known as Gropp's Tavern, carries the name "Moses;" as I recall, Moses was a laundry organization, but that is speculation on my part. Look closely and you will see Tony's Tomato
pies; long before we began erroneously calling them "pizzas."
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Over the years I have been quite active in tracking reunions from my era as an alumnus of Hamilton High school. The 50th anniversary of HHS included my sister in law, Dolores Britton Paul and I was approached by Ms. Grace Wallace to publicize the event. I had a HUGE cardboard wall size display on which I posted memorabilia from that era. Look closely at the black and white graphics and you will see many memories of the 40's and 50's.
Here's a very interesting view of the 1900 block of Greenwood Avenue in Bromley. That cozy little building next to the R.C. Maxwell sign was the site of the Grimm Insurance agency that insured Judy and me from our marriage in 1954 and right up to the time when the Grimm girls took over. Webster ("Webb") Grimm is an old old family friend of the Glover family. I remember as a young boy back in the late 1930's when Webb and my brother, the late Len Glover were very active in a local boys'club known as the "Lynx Club." I also have a very clear memory of those two guys preparing an printed announcement of an upcoming event. They used a now antiquated method of printing known as a "Hectograph;" a flat tin, which contained a jelly like chemical. The printed bulletin they worked on was typewritten on a regular paper page, the paper page laid face down until the ink bled into the aforementioned jell, and the result was a printing process that allowed for a sufficient number of purple ink copies for distribution to the members and friends of the "Lynx Club." As to the Grimm Insurance Agency and the Glover involvement, I recall the number of times Judy and I were a bit short on a number of occasions. Webb always covered for us. I also recall with a smile, the day our dryer overheated and burned a dryer full of clothes. Webb instructed us to go to a Sears catalog, find equivalent articles, list the items and price them and send the information to him. We did, he re-reimbursed us for the amount. When we had all the items listed, we called Webb to tell him we had the burned clothing in a bag for him to justify the insurance expense, Webb told us to throw the material away and payment was on the way. We never forgot that incident and never will.
Here's another incredibly interesting roof top photo looking down on E. State Street with a portion of the Moose Hall shown on the right. However, I am completely puzzled by that wooded area in the background and appeal to a visitor familiar with the area to help us to identify that portion of this exquisite R.C. Maxwell photo.
This delightful R.C. Maxwell - Duke University Library photo of what I perceive to be the intersection of Centreand Ferry Street. I would really appreciate a post from Mike Kuzma or any other South Trenton experts to clarify the above information. When I was a driver for the old Trenton Bearing Company back in 1952, Huse Electric Motor Repair was one of my daily deliveries and I delivered to Cooper Street; but for the life of me I can't seem to figure out this intersection. The Google Earth view above does little to solve my problem in figuring out this intersection.
Trenton lost a gorgeous architectural treasure when the disastrous mid 1950's fire destroyed the original cathedral. That beautiful spire which house MANY tons of melodic bells was a sight to behold. Did you know that those huge bells, held in place by huge oak beams each were tuned to a musical key? I am currently researching the story of that steeple and those bells and will ultimately post the story. Incidentally, the house maid who died in that fire was a close friend of my Mother in Law, Elizabeth Russell Britton.
Monday, November 17, 2014
One of the wonderful things about this website lies in the very astute and interesting comments that come as a result of various posts. Following are comments from an old post from years ago relating to the Ewing Township of the 1940's, 50's and early 60's. I worked at the old Trenton Bearing Company at 1812 North Olden Avenue for many years and naturally was aware of many of the persons, places and things as commented on the the very knowledgeable visitors who took the time to write and comment. I had posted a graphic relating to the old "UNION OP" that was once a very popular but short lived retail store in Ewing. These comments go a long way to lighten up the fading history of Ewing as it was in the aforementioned era. Thanks to all those who took the time to lay down their personal memories!
- Congrats on your well-deserved commendation from Hamilton Township!
I have to ask: I remember the name "Union Op," but have no recollection of what it was? Can you fill us in? Many thanks. Here's another memory relating to that particular part of the world: remember the House of Hi-Fi?
Love your blog.
Bill Smith
- Wednesday, December 17, 2008
- Mack said...
- I worked at Wendy's on North Olden.remember Seafood Shanty and Korvettes. My Dad had an office on Parkway near the High School (Appraisal Exchange)..Lenny's Gas Station near that as was a Chinese Restaurant and the Pizza place across the street. Cousins lived on Heath Street I remember that hill and Deli Delite. I remember the bug spraying truck coming by in summer. As a kid from the Burg I never saw a bug truck before. I also remember the Halo Farms. I remember Dales on the circle too:)
From Noel Goeke
a few memories of Ewing I'd like to share.We bought our first living
room set from Korvettes, 1 sofa, 2 chairs, 2 end tables and 2 lamps for
$199. Breihlers had the best ice cream sundaes on earth and Lee's
Pharmacy also had a lunch counter where we ate many suppers. I could go
on about places in Ewing that we went to.
- Sally Logan Gilman said...
Hi Tom: It's been six yesrs since my husband and I have been in Trenton.
It was for the funeral of our dear friend Connie DeRemigis who lived in
Ewing. You mention the new Parkway Diner -- is it new since we were
there last? There was once a tomato pie place on Parkway, across from
the diner.I can't remember the name. My family shopped on Olden Ave. and
there were some great tomato pie places along there too. You see where
my menories are centered. Regards
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sally, there was a small Tomato Pie place called Whitey's wedged into that slice of land on Olden just past Arctic Parkway and the pie was exceptional. In the early 60's across from Korvette's was the Blue Moon Diner and they built a hot dog eatery like McDonalds next to it called Franksville, that became Special Pizza City which is still there. Whitey had the best pie in that corner of Ewing
Ed Millerick
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Michael said...
Here I am down south minding my p & Q's,when you come along again, and pique my memmory about No. Olden Ave!
EJ Korvettes arrived at what was to become Capitol Plaza, after Phil Leavitt bought the tract from the Pennsylvania Railroad. A little known real estate novice from South Trenton had put togeter a group of his buddies from the Trenton Elks lodge 105 consisting of Andy Caola, Bill Beitle, Jack Moran to compete with Leavitt for this former Pony farm. When everyone finished calling us crazy, the first real Shopping center came to fruition.
I played Soccer on that Vacant land, and the Vegotsky family had a stand on the corner of Princeton and Olden, across from Extenion Patio.
Union Op was located west of the Plaza, just past "Jay's Kiddierama".
I don't recall a "Parkway Diner" as Sally mentions, but the original Parkside Diner was run by Johnny Rasomovich and his family for many, many years. Across Olden Ave. was the Sherwood Inn, where Russ Radice and his band held court virutally every weekend of the 50's. Was Sally thinking of "Pizza City" across from Union Op, next to the railroad tracks?
It was near the metall fabicator ultimatey owned by Sid Sussman that became what is now Home Depot (?). How about Olden Paint & Carpet, Don Young's, Dollittle and
Allen furniture, Johnny Koslowski's fine furniture across the street. Remember Earl Cathcart's Ponitac dealiership at the corner of Olden and Artic?
House of Hi Fi, great guy owned it, was next to Coronet Appliance sales, just down from where Mrs. G relocated when the City bought her property "New Jersey Plumbing Supply" next ot Van Sciver's on South Broad St.
Now the coup de grace; Feeling poorly, and had to see a vascular surgeon down here. I asked the nurse where Dr. Piotrowski was fron since there were so many in the Trenton area. She replied "Pittsburg". When I met him, and asked about Pittsburg, he said Pittsburg, I grew up in Yardley, and spent most of my time with relatives in Ewing Township!
Turns out he worked at Carvel's for fifteen years with his cousins who lived just behind the AAMCO shop on the corner. Small world, getting smaller!
Leo Smolar was the first McDonald's franchisee on Olden ave, He was from Chicago, abd went on to control all of central NJ'golden arches. Olden Ave, cost him $25,000. for the exclusive rights.
Now the question: Was it "Alantic Mills" that was fitted into the old Industrial building Helen Bohme owned next to Frank Rasimovich's go go bar that u;timately burned down and was across Olden Ave. from Capitol Plaza? I know the answer lies within the reader's of this marvelous column.
Warm regards
Mike Kuzma
Monday, November 28, 2011
Back in the 1950's the intersection of Olden and Princeton centered
around the Extension Fields of the local soccer clubs, they would be
razed to make way for Capitol Plaza anchored by E. J. Korvettes and my
our favorite ice cream place Costa Cottage, a laundromat and McCrory
5&10 and Sav-On Drugs.
Prior to all of that just before Capitol Motors on the corner of Arctic Parkway was Union Op which was a not so classy department store that mostly made it's money from the large arcade on the north end that was filled with pin-ball machines. You had to be careful because that was the hang out of the "hoodlums" with the "DA" haircuts and motor cycle boots that lived in the Donnelly Homes. The other corner of Princeton and Olden was Extension Patio followed by Reed Hardware and Mower shop, Extension Tavern, Bounceland trampolines and The 19'th Hole driving range. Two diners on Princeton Avenue (the original US1) were the places to eat Fritz's and the one that was razed for Gino's, The Uncle Sam Diner. Lang's Ski would later build a "swiss chalet" peak on the arcade plaza of the Union Op building and open for business. The moved down Olden and are still open as Lang's Ski & Scuba.
Ed Millerick
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sally, there was a small Tomato Pie place called Whitey's wedged into
that slice of land on Olden just past Arctic Parkway and the pie was
exceptional. In the early 60's across from Korvette's was the Blue Moon
Diner and they built a hot dog eatery like McDonalds next to it called
Franksville, that became Special Pizza City which is still there.
Whitey had the best pie in that corner of Ewing
Ed Millerick
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Ed: Thank you so much for the info on Whitey's -- my friend Connie and I
used to go there. It was on the right hand side just past Arctic
Parkway like you said. We loved it there. Such yummy memories. It was
great pie. Thanks again Ed for jogging my memory.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wow! Some great memories of Ewing! I worked at The Glendale Inn and at
Briehlers. When the Generals Quarters restaurant opened at Mercer County
Airport I worked there for 12 years. Remembering most places spoke of
here. Also remember The Parfait House. It's a shame that they tore down
both the Parfait house(years ago) and the Glendale(about a year ago).
Thanks for all the memories! John
Friday, November 23, 2012
- Bud Patel said...
You wouldnt have a photo of the old glendale pharmacy in ewing would you?
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Born in 57', my pop worked at Addressograph on the Brunswick Circle,
spent a lot of time growing up doing all types of family things
on/around N.Olden Ave. Landmarks remembered, Murphy's Chuck wagon @
Olden & Prospect, who could forget Phillip's Ewing Bazaar?,
mentioned earlier here Whitey's (Great $3.00 large pizza), Parfait
House, which became Stoy's (spelling) Ice Cream Parlour, The Sherwood
Inn, Mike's Steakhouse-near McDonalds on the same side of Olden Ave, Don
Youngs-went to high school with his kids. Gr8 Blog/Thanks for the
memories !
Monday, June 10, 2013
I grew up in ewing and do I remember a lot of places I used to love to
go to.i went to ewing high class of 62 we used to hang at mikes steak
house the best chesse steaks ever,pops tomatoe pies and they did not fit
in the box,and then the broken drum on prospect street,oh the memories
Monday, November 17, 2014
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