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Wednesday, November 12, 2014


My many visitors have obviously seen less activity on this site over the past 45 days or so. The reason? I have been swamped with organizing programs for our sister history organization, the Historical Society of Hamilton Township. First, an update on the incredible change that occurred during the 2014 season of the society. When we realized that the Society was really becoming irrelevant due to the very boring programs that were being presented not only in the last administration, but dating back to the years that Tom Glover was society President, we decided to opt for the obvious solution that was right under our collective noses: 
 Gone were the speakers relating stories of historical interest to South Jersey, Molly Pitcher, colonial coinage, open hearth cooking, and other subjects of interest to only a few, with nary a program relating to the incredible history to be found in Hamilton, Trenton and Mercer County. We began the process of assembling on screen programming and lectures which were tailored with the average citizen in mind; in short, those who would be very interested in our local historic treasures. Our first meeting in March, 2014 was snowed out. (It will be presented during the 2015 season which begins in March next year.) The meetings in April, May, September, October and November resulted in an encouraging number of citizens who were, very much interested in local history; all of which verified our belief that attendance at our meetings would outstrip the few members who had been attending ho hum programming over years. Our October meeting with the "CHAMBERSBURG THEN" resulted in at least 80 in attendance; probably more as the count was lost as we scrambled to add seats to the library's Rooms 1 and 2. Each of our 2014 meetings found numbers between 40 and the aforementioned 80 plus attending. We have termed our new and improved Historical Society programming as a  "New Departure" in sharing local history with the community.

From Joe B.:
You have mentioned this a few times it would be great if we could get the old timers out to an afternoon meeting to tell us their stories of the Old Burg. Just the other day I was speaking to a friend of mine and he told me part of a conservation he had with his dad;he mentioned the Old Trenton High School at Chestnut and Hamilton ( which is now a bank) and Carroll Robbins School behind the School. Did you know there were tunnels underground from Trenton High and Carroll Robbins; just like I found out recently that there was a tunnels from the New Trenton High to St. Francis Hospital? Not earth shaking news but it would nice to know why they needed the tunnels.


JoeB said...

You have mentioned this a few times it would be great if we could get the old timers out to an afternoon meeting to tell us their stories of the Old Burg. Just the other day I was speaking to a friend of mine and he told me part of a conservation he had with his dad;he mentioned the Old Trenton High School at Chestnut and Hamilton ( which is now a bank) and Carroll Robbins School behind the School. Did you know there were tunnels underground from Trenton High and Carroll Robbins; just like I found out recently that there was a tunnels from the New Trenton High to St. Francis Hospital? Not earth shaking news but it would nice to know why they needed the tunnels.

SJBill said...

Tunnels between buildings were frequently for old steam heating distribution. I saw these recently (30 years ago) in the Hartford (CT) Hospital building complex. Why build two steam plants when one would do?