Had to scratch my head to think where "Bridge & 3rd St. is, since Third street as I recall did not begin until somewhere around Federal St. and ran between Trenton State Prison, and the Railroad Tracks. It than went on to terminate at Lalor St.
This Photo reminds me of two (2) structures; both taverns. One at 2nd, and Furman,run by the Mazekas family, and the other at So. Broad, and Dye just past the Roebling Adm. Building.
Mike Kuzma
1. In the background, there may be the PRR high tension lines that have the same arc in existing images (seen in today's Bing
2. Int he foreground, across Bridge Stree, a telephone pole remains in the same position.
This Bridge Tavern looks to have been situated behind the firehouse that fronted on S. Broad, with a rear or side entrance on Bridge St.
THere was another Bridge Taveren on Lamberton St South of Lalor, and uip river from the Marine Terminal and sumbarine race course. In the 60s this place was owned by the Gendek family, and the structure, the Brewery and Krupa;s boat yard were demolished to make way for the new get-out-of-town route.