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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


This intersection is completely different today. I tried a Google street view and came away completely confused. Old time residents of the western section will find this photo to be quite familiar.


Sally Logan Gilman said...

Hi Tom: You're right to be confused. I think they might have tweaked the area with the addition of Route 29. The old 1939 photo looks familiar. I too checked my Google view and it does not look anything like this today. Regards

Anthony C. said...

Tom, Since I live close to the intersection I thought I would simply walk down there and take a snapshot for you but I was too lazy and went on Google Maps. I'm gonna email you the photo set side by side to your original and you'll see that the house in the background is still there. The house has unique short Ionic style porch columns perched on top of brick pedestals. The other houses all have their own style of porch columns. The house today has a one story garage built next to it but it may have existed then only to be obstructed by the billboard. As Sally Logan commented before with the addition of Rt 29 and the complex intersection today along with the trees with leaves on them instead of a winter photo its hard to see it from the exact same perspective. But since I have a lot of time on my hands I spent an embarrassing amount of time and put together a comparison photo. The photo of today doesn't include the cast iron Sullivan Way street sign and that corner it sits on because the road has been reworked. Also in the last 10 years or so all the billboards have been removed.