Anonymous said...
How about when those tadpoles got legs but still had the tail? There was a certain wonder that was revealed to us bit by bit by those childhood hobbies. That was like when I learned that all of those "Garter" snakes were not the same and one bit lots more than the others. Behold, that is when I learned the difference between a Copperhead and a Garter! My neighbors we none to fond of my backyard cages, coops and other things that contained my little zoo.
Ed Millerick-
Tom Glover said...
Great story, Ed. I remember keeping those tadpoles until they got big and fat and turning them back to the pond. Remember how we were told the dragonflies would sew our lips if we got too close to them. I collected 1 garter snake for about a week, but my mom tipped the box and let him or her go.
Tom Glover
Search This Blog
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Anonymous said...
How about when those tadpoles got legs but still had the tail? There was a certain wonder that was revealed to us bit by bit by those childhood hobbies. That was like when I learned that all of those "Garter" snakes were not the same and one bit lots more than the others. Behold, that is when I learned the difference between a Copperhead and a Garter! My neighbors we none to fond of my backyard cages, coops and other things that contained my little zoo.
Ed Millerick -
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
- Tom Glover said...
Great story, Ed. I remember keeping those tadpoles until they got big and fat and turning them back to the pond. Remember how we were told the dragonflies would sew our lips if we got too close to them. I collected 1 garter snake for about a week, but my mom tipped the box and let him or her go.
Tom Glover -
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
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