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Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I have very fond memories of "downtown" Trenton. I was a regular visitor to State and Broad back in the late 40's and into the 50's when I visited that notable crossroads waiting for my girl friend who became my wife of 57 years, Judy Britton, as she left her job in Infants' Wear at Yard's Department Store at State and Broad. Even though I posted this earlier among the 8,000 plus pages on this website, I reserve the right to publish it again; it is a beautiful view which will be familiar to many Trenton area "old timers." Playing at the Capitol Theater when this photo was taken? "Bugles in the Afternoon" starring Ray Milland. What memories!
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the cars, that was about 1952? Clinging to a coat sleeve I can smell the peanuts and hear the rattle of the poor souls who used to scoot around on platforms. Mom said they lost legs during the first war.

I too met my HS sweetie in a bus stop flirtation only a block away, she rode the "T Hiltonia".

Ed Millerick

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Anonymous Sally Logan Gilman said...

State and Broad -- one of my favorite spots in downtown Trenton. That's where I got the bus to go home to West Trenton. Tom, you do my heart good. Regards

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Anonymous rayfromvillapark said...

Hi Tom, Bugles in the Afternoon, was released in 1952, so that dates the photograph. The two cars in the photo are a 1949 Plymouth to the left, and a 1950 Chevrolet on the right, which is actually a Terminal Cab taxi, waiting for a fare at their stand on the corner of State and Broad. I purchased many a car related magazine at the news stand in the photo, but I don't remember the name of the business. I think the news stand on North Warren, near the corner of Hanover, was Whitey's. Trenton in it's heyday, no more! Rayfromvillapark

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Anonymous said...

By the cars, that was about 1952? Clinging to a coat sleeve I can smell the peanuts and hear the rattle of the poor souls who used to scoot around on platforms. Mom said they lost legs during the first war.

I too met my HS sweetie in a bus stop flirtation only a block away, she rode the "T Hiltonia".

Ed Millerick

Sally Logan Gilman said...

State and Broad -- one of my favorite spots in downtown Trenton. That's where I got the bus to go home to West Trenton. Tom, you do my heart good. Regards

rayfromvillapark said...

Hi Tom, Bugles in the Afternoon, was released in 1952, so that dates the photograph. The two cars in the photo are a 1949 Plymouth to the left, and a 1950 Chevrolet on the right, which is actually a Terminal Cab taxi, waiting for a fare at their stand on the corner of State and Broad. I purchased many a car related magazine at the news stand in the photo, but I don't remember the name of the business. I think the news stand on North Warren, near the corner of Hanover, was Whitey's. Trenton in it's heyday, no more! Rayfromvillapark