I'm sure I will run across the article that tells of the "elimination" of the wandering wolf that had Hamilton residents on edge some 88 years ago. Early articles tell a very interesting story about wildlife in Hamilton in years gone by. There was an account of Bald Eagles appearing in the area, wandering bears, and I'm sure other forms of wildlife. In my 77 years, at least 45 of which have been dedicated to bird watching, I have seen the bird population evacuate a lot of the area in which I live. Kuser Farm, before the township took it over was my favorite site for "birding." There were Brown Thrashers, Thrushes, Phoebes, Towhees, Woodcocks, Catbirds, Red Wing Blackbirds, Baltimore Orioles, and too many others to mention. All have left the area that was once loaded with deep forestation, all of which has been removed so that visitors to the park wouldn't be subjected to poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and the brambles of the blackberry bushes that once proliferated in an area created by the Almighty. I miss those vestiges of rural Kuser Farm, but as the man said, "PROGRESS."