The old photo of Prospect Presbyterian is from "Trenton Illustrated;" a pictorial treasure with exquisite engravings of scenes in and around Trenton in 1891. Note the un-paved Prospect Street in the foreground. Many old Trenton families attended this beautiful church in the 19th and 20th century. Unfortunately, "white flight" resulted in the Presbyterians abandoning the beautiful historic structure. One wonders if God still abides in the old church with a new religious group has taking over the historic house of worship.
Sally Logan Gilman said...
- Hi Tom: What a thrill to see my Prospect St. Pres. Church in its early glory days. My parents, Sarah Hutchinson and Russell Logan were married there. They always took me to Sunday School and I sang in the choir and taught Sunday school when I got older. We have driven by whenever we came to Trenton and it breaks my heart. I will always remember how welcoming it was and how happy my family was when we walked through the front door. Again, thanks for the memories.