Lawson Tattler is a figment of my imagination. I use this literary mode quite often in writing my history columns. Even as Lawson Tatler is a fictional entity, be assured that the retrospectives of Mr. Morgan are just as reported in the press of yesteryear. This interview type article makes history come alive, especially to those who find the subject boring. As you read the above reminiscences of Mr. John Morgan, rural Chambersburg comes into clear focus. A bit later in that era, the population increased as immigrants from England and Germany began to settle in the area, followed by the Italians.
Hi Tom: I commented this morning in Mack's blogg about the time my mom told me about her expierence with the Chinese Laundry people in Chambersburg. This happened, she said, when she was a child in the early teens. So the Burg really had a mixture of many nationalites.
We were reminded of the once rural
nature of Chambersburg everytime we
went out on our back porch.
There was a big old barn in a neighbors yard (Bill Barber and
family). It made a very pretty scene when it snowed. That barn remained there until it was torn
down in the late 1990s.
Ah ,life at 824 Liberty long ago:)
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