I have been searching for definitive information on the actual boundary of Hamilton's Camp Olden for many years,. Bit by bit pieces of the puzzle come together only to complicate the mystery. From Henry Lawton's suggestion that a monument be placed at the Johnston-Hamilton-Liberty intersection, to the establishment of Colonial Gardens, the plot thickens. The above article referst to 100 acres at Liberty and New Street (today's Newkirk Avenue.) It is interesting to note that the names of the developers are memorialized today with street names of Watson , Miller, Ellwood, and I would bet the a future discovery would list Beal Street. If Colonial Gardens was 100 acres, and if the aforementioned streets were included in the 100 acres. is it possible that the Camp extended from the Pond Run area over to Sylvan Avenue" South Olden Avenue? My search has been a fascinating project for a very elusive subject, and I certainly intend to persevere.
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