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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

1943: Hamilton Township Schools Support the War Effort

When this column appeared in 1943, I was in Miss Ruth Margerum's third grade at Kuser School. I can't say I remember the booklet referred to, but I can sure recall the various WWII home front programs. Tuesday was "Defense Stamp Day." Those of us who came from a family with limited means were lucky if Mom gave us a dime to buy one red ten cent defense stamp. Some of my classmates from more affluent families went first class and bout the beautiful green twenty five cent stamp. When the ten cent book was filled, it was redeemable after a period of time I recall, $18.75. Please correct me if I am in error. And then there was "Red Cross Day," where we bought in our pennies, nickels and dimes, and contributed to the Red Cross. Remember that little white button with the red cross on it?

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