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Thursday, October 24, 2013
Anonymous said...
My all time favorite is "fresh pork roll" and it's not as heavily smoked and salty as the "regular" fare.
Perhaps one of the things that will be of benefit with the changes in Trenton and the dispersal of the inhabitants; pork roll is becoming more popular down south according to some of the Facebook folks.
Ed Millerick -
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Anonymous said...
Ed: You betcha, but down here, they call it "Baloney in bag"
Could not locate it here when I first moved down 11 years ago. Believe it or not, it showed up in the dollar tree store, and it was "Case's" at that. I lived "high on the hog" (couldn't resist that) for 7 years, than it stopped. Another brand was brought in last year from Altoona PA, but that only lasted a few montns. One Super Mkt. chain carries "Taylor" and charges the same price per pound as filet migon.
Just visited AC two weeks ago, brought my cooler and loaded up at Shop Rite in West Wildwood before catching the Ferry Boat across the Bay.
Each time I visit Mercer County I make a stop at the Farmer's market to get the "Fresh Porkroll" which will always be my Filet Migon!
Mike Kuzma -
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Anonymous said...
When I first moved south, I was desperate for my pork roll ( AKA) "prepared ham" Finally after searching all the stores, I met a clerk at a super market who luckily was from Central Jersey.
She sent me to of all places Dollar tree who had "Case's 4 slice" packs. I thought I was in Heaven, than they stopped carrying it. After a few years, they brought in a product from Altoona PA. No bad, but not like ours.
They stopped that too. I have my shakes occasionaly, and find a need to make a sortie to NJ to get my fix of pork roll, which incendtilly they call "Balony in Bag" down. There is one store that Carries Taylors, and have it priced at $10.49 per pound. That's higher than filet mignon.
2 Weeks ago after a visit to AC, I stopped at Shop Rite in West Wildwood and loaded my cooler with Pork roll and Scrapple, which they call that "Pon Hous" below the Mason Dixon line.
Now Fresh Pork roll is without a doubt my favorite, and whenever I can, I get to the Farmer's market and bring home a cooler full.
Do you remember eating the remenant pieces that stuck to the bagging when you finished frying it?
Mike Kuzma -
Friday, October 25, 2013
Anonymous said...
You also had Farm Crest Porkroll which was on Dickinson St. right off of Greenwood Ave.
Friday, October 25, 2013
My all time favorite is "fresh pork roll" and it's not as heavily smoked and salty as the "regular" fare.
Perhaps one of the things that will be of benefit with the changes in Trenton and the dispersal of the inhabitants; pork roll is becoming more popular down south according to some of the Facebook folks.
Ed Millerick
Just visited AC two weeks ago, brought my cooler and loaded up at Shop Rite in West Wildwood before catching the Ferry Boat across the Bay.
Each time I visit Mercer County I make a stop at the Farmer's market to get the "Fresh Porkroll" which will always be my Filet Migon!
Mike Kuzma
She sent me to of all places Dollar tree who had "Case's 4 slice" packs. I thought I was in Heaven, than they stopped carrying it. After a few years, they brought in a product from Altoona PA. No bad, but not like ours.
They stopped that too. I have my shakes occasionaly, and find a need to make a sortie to NJ to get my fix of pork roll, which incendtilly they call "Balony in Bag" down. There is one store that Carries Taylors, and have it priced at $10.49 per pound. That's higher than filet mignon.
2 Weeks ago after a visit to AC, I stopped at Shop Rite in West Wildwood and loaded my cooler with Pork roll and Scrapple, which they call that "Pon Hous" below the Mason Dixon line.
Now Fresh Pork roll is without a doubt my favorite, and whenever I can, I get to the Farmer's market and bring home a cooler full.
Do you remember eating the remenant pieces that stuck to the bagging when you finished frying it?
Mike Kuzma