A number of locals have been asking about the absence of my Kuser Mansion programs over the past couple years, and if I am planning any future programs. Thanks to Ms. Patty K. Hill and Cathy Tramontana, I am working on programs for the fall and winter season. Above is the "Coming Attractions" broadside I have composed for an on-screen/lecture program which I will be doing on Sunday, September 23rd. Jim Colello, my friend and fellow historian on the Broad Street Park area, will be there to share his knowledge on thi historical area of Hamilton Township. Jim's Broad Street Park website is avidly followed by many area residents as well as former residents outside of the area. Jim's website can be found at http://www.bsp086.blogspot.com. You will find many very interesting vintage and contemporary graphics on Jim's site, all carefully posted with tender loving care for maximum legibility. Even as we recall Hamilton's historically famous White City, we will be discussing Broad Street Park, the Rusling Hose Volunteer Fire Company, James Rusling, Andrew "Kedzie" Rowan, and numerous other subjects. It will be an entertaining and very educational program, and I look forward to a respectable turnout.
I seem to remember riding bikes down to White City Park, and getting punks to fight off the mosquitoes, in the late 40s. I wonder if it's the same place, The Coney Island of NJ. I don't remember much except riding down a steep hill and a swampy type area. Thanks for the BSP link too.
Tom - Just a question - which of the schools was the Broad Street Park School?
Lakeside Girl
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