The Trenton Free Public Library will celebrate their 110th anniversary in this year of 2012. I have been following with interest the logo contest which was given wide publicity over the past weeks. I am also very happy to see that the logo chosen was the one I would have picked, emphasizing with the "Trenton Makes" bridge as being an appropriate symbol. Below are a few of the early digital clippings from the "TRENTON PUBLIC LIBRARY" folder in the Hamilton Township Public Library's Local History Collection. The city of Trenton has fallen on hard times recently, and library access has been reduced to dangerous levels. AND TO THE TRENTON FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, A VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU! I hope your future will be brightening as the years go by.

Hi Tom: The Trenton Public Library was one of my favorite places when I was a journalism student at Rider College in downtown. We visited it on The Contemporary Club's Tour of Trenton event. It was a thrill for me to walk around like I had when I was a teen. It was a stop I will never forget. Thanks for the momories. Best wishes.
Friday, April 13, 2012