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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


As that beautiful love song goes,
"When I fall in love, it will be forever,
or I'll never fall in love.
In a restless world like this is,
love is ended before it's begun,
and too many moonlight kisses,
seem to cool in the warmth of the sun..."
I realize that as I age and approach still another September birthday, and the years just keep piling on and on, and the days, weeks, months and years fly by at an all too rapid rate, I am overtaken by that strange malady that afflicts only a sentimental few of my contemporaries. I am an incurable "nostalgiac." As I look at these yearbook photos from Hamilton High School's 1951 "RETROSPECT" yearbook, warm, and bittersweet emotions overcome me. Fifty seven years of marriage to "Judy Britton," 3 children, 9 grandchildren, and one great-grand child has given me a sense of pride and gratitude when I realize that I did indeed marry my "high school sweetheart."
Irony of ironies: "Our song" was Nat Cole's "Too Young." I smile whenever I sing "our" song,
"....and then someday they may recall,
we were not too young at all."
Anonymous Sally Logan Gilman said...

Hi Tom: I too pore over my high school yearbook, the 1955 Trenton High "Bobashela." I've been gone from Trenton for many, many years but my memories of HS and growing up in our Carteret Avenue home are strong as ever. I love my strolls down Memory Lane. Have a wonderful birthday. Best wishes.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blogger JoeZ said...

Beautiful words from a great song and it's true the days pass more quickly. Happy Birthday Tom with many more to come to enjoy your lovely wife and family. As we say in Polish "STOLAT."
Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Sally Logan Gilman said...

Hi Tom: I too pour over my high school yearbook, the 1955 Trenton High "Bobashela." I've been gone from Trenton for many, many years but my memories of HS and growing up in our Carteret Avenue home are strong as ever. I love my strolls down Memory Lane. Have a wonderful birthday. Best wishes.

JoeZ said...

Beautiful words from a great song and it's true the days pass more quickly. Happy Birthday Tom with many more to come to enjoy your lovely wife and family. As we say in Polish "STOLAT."