This page was printed a year before I was born. However, in listening to my Mom and Dad when they were with us, the early 1930's were really tough times for our family and I dare say many families during those years of the Great Depression. The newspapers didn't focus on the depression, rather, they tried to focus on the positive aspects of those dark years. I took the liberty of adding a hearty "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to all the many visitors to this blog. I hope you all have a delightful Christmas day, and a very happy 2011.
Sally Logan Gilman said...
- Greetings Tom: I got all the way to the end before I recognized a name. It was Slatoff -- Mr. and Mrs. Slatoff and their children lived opposite our home on Carteret Avenue. It was fun to see the name. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a joyful and happy 2011.