That quote will apply to this 4,200-plus page blog which will soon reach a quarter of a million visits if that draconian Assembly bill A2555 is passed. The graphic above gives a bit more detail. Lack of space prevents me from including the MANY other Hamilton Library services which will be curtailed, along with the resulting hardships which will be placed on students, the unemployed, the children's room, and other citizens who have sought the services of the library during these troublesome financial times.
If this blog is important to you, I urge you to call or email Assemblywoman Linda Greenstein and Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo and ask them to oppose this bill. Also, ask everyone in your personal circle who appreciate the very necessary services provided by your local library to contact the N.J. Assembly. The email addresses and phone numbers are in the bottom of the graphic.
Hi Tom: I sure hope the people of your area respond to the request you seek. Your site is a tremendous help to those who treasure the memories of years gone by and whereabouts of people they knew in the past. I'm sure all your readers will agree. Best Regards.
I'm also sure the visitors appreciate this blog, Ralph, but as you can see, there has been no response except from you. Apathy is rampant in today's society. The reactions will come Assembly bill A 2555 is enacted, and it will be too late. I did the best I could. Who knows? maybe the bill won't get out of Assembly.
Tom Glover
Hi Tom.
I hope the Library continues to
operate for the reasons you said
and because your site is a part of
life here.
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