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Wednesday, September 02, 2009


I would imagine that those of us who remember the hotels Hildebrecht and Stacy Trenton are diminishing in number. Indeed, few who were born in the '60's, 70's and 80's would not recognize the Trenton during the era when this hotel was built. It was a very sumptuous hotel, and most dignitaries who visited the city were put up in either the Hildebrecht or the Stacy Trent.


Mack said...

Hi Tom:)
You are so right here.
To most of my generation including me, you went downtown if you worked for the state and might have ate lunch there and thats it.
I guess our "downtowns" were local
malls. Downtown Trenton of old sure
looks great in pictures however:)

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Tom: I worked downtown as a lettercarrier for 4 years during the late 40s and early 50s. In those days downtown routes got 3 deliveries a day, so I got to know the area pretty well. All the stores including the 5 & 10s were outstanding, the 2 hotels mentioned above, the theatres and resturants were the very best. I was very proud to show the city to our out of town relatives.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom - In 1962 the grand Stacy-Trent Hotel was the place my father & mother chose for my wedding reception(notice I didn't choose!). We had a full-course turkey dinner for a pittance of what they charge now for wedding receptions! Dick Ivarone's five piece band played (no DJ!) and we have a wonderful memory!
Lakeside Girl