How great is this? Mr. James Maloney added a comment to my recent post announcing an up-coming reunion for the Cathedral-Trenton Catholic classes of 1959. I visited the site and it is INCREDIBLE! All you "Golden Wave" guys, including those that beat the bejabbers out of our HHS basketball teams over the years will really love it. I am adding the link to my website.
AND: I must admit that I am confused as to Mr. James Maloney. I have a very dear friend who, along with his wife Helen, were fellow communicants at St. Anthony's in Trenton. Indeed, Jim and Bill Maloney spent many happy summer weekends with my son and me down at the St.Alphonso Retreat House in West Long Branch. However, when I saw the comment signed "James" Maloney, I assumed it to be another Maloney, and felt that I must maintain proper literary etiquette and refrain from calling him ":Jim," which of course is the name I call my dear friends Helen and Jim Maloney. Confused? Me too.
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