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Thursday, January 22, 2009

1916: Colvin's Ferry (Lower Ferry)

There are exciting things happening in South Trenton! There is an ambitious effort to re-develop and area that for too long has been overlooked. If things go as planned, another tourist site will be included in the ledger of Trenton's many historic sites.
After you have read the interesting extract from Louise Hewitt's account of the historic Trenton Ferries, click on and look at the beauty that like the legendary "Phoenix," is rising from the ashes.

If you take the time to click on the following link, you will read about Patrick "Paddy" Colvin, who operated the "lower ferry" in South Trenton. Check these sites out. They are indeed fascinating.

1 comment:

Mack said...

My Grandparents lived on Turpin
Street, a narrow side street near
Centre Street. My Grandpa worked for the railroad and had a lifetime
pass for him & my Grandma, she would ride the trains to NYC for
free. They never owned a car as he could walk to work. Good luck to the Trenton Ferry project:)