Unfortunately, the size of this photo doesn't allow for positive identification of the folks pictured in the photo. I think I see Eileen Thornton in the front row with a black jacket and light colored dress, but I can't be sure. Thirty years changes one's appearance, and I can't I.D. any others. Any politically active veteran Democrats of GOP'ers out there that can help? (thomglo@verizon.net).
1 comment:
yes it is Eileen Thornton. 2nd man from right is Joe Salaga. from left - man with white hair is Hugh Maguire. 2nd lady in from him looks like Kay Garruba. I'll have to get a magnifying glass out - this was my activist time with the Dems. I have some doozie pix I will have to dig out and send to you! these all made me laugh - good memories. I was a Marion, Mowat, Maguire girl during their campaign. ha! those pix are adorable! Hugh's grandaughter Debbie, me and another girl - were the cute little campaigners with short red skirts and white boots! go Dems! love it Tom!
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