1935; LALOR SCHOOL Little Red Riding Hood
I have a soft spot for school photos whether they be class graduating photos or photos such as this one which shows the cast of the Lalor School's 1935 production of "Little Red Riding Hood." Years from now, any descendents of the Lalor kids shown in the group photo will have a worthwhile family scrapbook keepsake.
This is great. My mother is the third girl from the left, next to the "wolf" and wearing the granny hat. She was around 13 yers old. Never saw or was told about anything like this. Knew she loved to sing and was active in HHS-39 class.
Kathy A
My sister kathy sent this picture from your collection of our Mom (M. Irons). She never told us she played in this show or did any such thing when she was young. As Kathy said we knew she loved to sing and also draw, so I always knew she was talented. Thanks for finding this material and hope to get you some stuff from my collection of Mom and Dad W2QJO.
Steve Csorgo Jr.
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