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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

2006: Steve Csorgo - Yardville

With more than 18,000 "hits" on my site, I would guess that maybe 3 or 4 percent of my viewers are familiar with the terms, "QSO," "DX," "YL," and "XYL," not to mention "OM." These are all terms which are quite familiar to those of us who are amateur radio operators. The terms are familiar to amateurs all over the world. Thanks to Kathy Csorgo Annacarrato for donating many fascinating items from her late father, Steve's collection. This is just one of the fascinating vintage items of memorabilia which will be include in the Hamilton Library's Local History Collection in the "RADIO" folder. They will be shared with my local amateur radio club, the DVRA (Delaware Valley Radio Association.) As an amateur operator ( I dislike the term, "Ham"), with the call sign WA2RVU, I had numerous conversations with Steve, and I would bet that there are numerous amateur operators who are also viewers of this site who also had a "QSO" with him (that's amateur talk for a contact and conversation.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just going through your site for the first time in awhile and saw this post. The other day I got a note on FB from a high school classmate who saw the Csorgo Boys news article from a few years back that Tony Mig recounted and he asked if that was my family.Thanks for your showing all the special stuff you do on this site. By the way I'm sure I have several of these cards as well as I still have the D-104 he is holding in the photo. He always used it even later when he updated to SSB with his Tempo One, FT-101ZD, FT-102 and his TS-830. I still have the 102 & 830. Take care and hope to see you soon. Steve Jr.