I am continually adding files to the hefty "POLICE-TRENTON" AND "POLICE-HAMILTON" folders in the Hamilton Township Public Library Local History Collection. Among the stack of "hard copy" in the library vertical file is the interesting article above detailing the ethnic makeup of the 1897 Trenton Police Department.
You never cease to amaze me with the information you dig up, and disseminate through this column.
I grew up next to Police Chief McChesney's family on South Warren St. next to the William Trent house. I did not know the chief, but his lovely wife was a kind and dear neighbor back in the 40's.
He had two son's Wallace who was a giant of man @ 6'7",and Graham a mere runt at 6'4". They often said they took after the father, who struck an imposing figure in his uniform. Once again it has happened. I'm in Louisville this week, and prior to leaving Virginia, I mentioned the McChesney's and here you publish an article.
Warm Regards From The Colonel
Mike Kuzma