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Monday, September 15, 2008


This is a new departure in my attempt to post full page graphics. In the interest of displaying very clear images, I have been editing and saving my graphics in JPEG grayscale (or color) format. I am going to try to scan sizeable text pages such as that above in "Black and White." Unfortunately, unless you have a larger LCD screen, it will be difficult to read. On my 15 inch notebook, I can barely read the page. However, on my 17 inch LCD it is reasonably clear. You will also note that the text in the above graphic is not nearly as clean and trim due to the fact that the scan was done as a black and white scan rather than grayscale. (Grayscale would have been 3 megabites and far too large. I will also be experimenting in converting articles such as that above into word processor text, using my OCR (optical character recognition) software.

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