
Friday, December 14, 2012


I had the privilege of knowing this gentleman from my numerous visits to Pennington with Fred "Fritz" Kuser, husband of Edna Howe Kuser and Fritz's father in law, whom he always referred to as cordially as "Mayor." Mr. Howe was the consummate gentleman. His calm and soft spoken manner genetically passed along to his children. Edna was one of the most wonderful women I have met in all my years, and she was a true influence in my life. I miss her with that incredible disarming smile and personality. Note: This clipping has been painstakingly tweaked and otherwise enhanced from a very poorly aged original. You will note that the lower part of the text is missing; a testament to the fragile pulp paper stock which was used during the early 20th century.

1 comment:

  1. Tom:

    Having raised my two sons in Pennington before I became a "gentleman"farmer in Ringoes, I am fascinated by this collage.
    Rudy Kuser and I ushered together at St. James RC church in Pennington. And the 2nd most grandiois home on this page, with the Portacache is now the rectory for St. James RC Church. 50 years ago, when Joan and I returned from out honeymoon, and moved into our converted Barn on the outskirts of Pennington, we attempted to go to mass that first Sunday. We drove around this little town for half an hour trying to find the church.
    Finally we stopped the only Policeman in town, (Jimmy Delemoochie) who appeared to be Italian, and obviously a Catholic, and asked where St. James was.
    He laughed and said we passed in several times. I protested and said "we could not have, there were no Bingo signs aroud". He laughed and said this was a "Blue town" no gambling, no alcohol"
    Hell a Catholic had no chance in this town, despite the fact they manufactured booze at the Quantro (sp) plant right in Pennington.

    Mike Kuzma
