It was billed as a "Temperance Hotel," but due to the temperance leanings of the management, it was bereft of alcoholic beverages. It is also one of the subjects I have searched for over the past 25 years. The Lakeview was located at the corner of Lakeside Boulevard and South Broad Street. My research thus far had led me to speculate that the hotel in the reproduced pamphlet above was once the home of Sylvanus Hutchinson and later, Robert C. Hutchinson both of "Hutchinson Pond" fame. This rare pamphlet has been in my collection for over 40 years. It has been digitzed and the original is being preserved in the "LAKESIDE PARK-GROPP'S LAKE" folder in the Hamilton Library Local History Collection. A very fleeting look at Lakeside Park before the Teunon development.(REMEMBER TO RIGHT CLICK TO ENLARGE!)
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