AWARDED DIPLOMAS. Members of the graduating class of the Pennington Grammar School were awarded diplomas at the exercises held on Wednesday evening in the auditorium of the school. Reading from left to right they are: Front row, Garrett Oldis, George Kuhn, Harold Hall, John Van Wagoner, James Hepburn, Ernest Johnson, Roland Wigley, Heston Smith, Wallace Smith, Joseph Hoffman, Charles Hefty, John Titus, Louis Orlando; second row, Jeanette Hildebrand, Eleanor Zielsdorf, Dorothy Slusser, Olga A. Sidelnik, Florence Zyla, Eunice J. Weart, Eleanor Applegate, Dorothy Riewerts, Claire S. Reed, Alice Hart, Joyce Wimpenny, Elizabeth Mahler, Beverly Reppe, Winnifred Burroughs, Margaret Miller, Marion Cadwallader, Mary Jane Dilts, Helen Witkowski, Marie K. Giabattista, Evelyn
Chatten, Santa Denza, Loraine Gootee, Emma Stephan, Betty Schek, Roma G. Stires, Alberta Bryan, Jane Hydes; third row, Enoch Blackwell, Robert Ruhlman, LeRoy Sked, Gerald Hujber, Harold Tobiason, John DeMerritt, William Alpaugh, Mary Kessler, Katherine Cruser, Claire Benedict, Charles N. Hartman, principal; Corneilius Offringa, faculty member; Bruna Roman, Margaret Hamran, Ruth Miller, Eva Delle Monache, Frank Hujber, Elwood Johnson, Hilton Palmer, Leonard Zuckerman, LeRoy Baumann; A1ceus Drake, Robert Jackson, Robert Guyer, Henry Curtiss; back row, Eugene Szecker, Frank Schreck, Ralph Connelly and John Shuster.
Hi, my name is Mary Hujber and that's my father in that photo (Gerald Hujber). I've never seen a picture of him as a boy, so this is really special. Can't wait to show my Mom.