Thank you Bob Hagar for being such a wonderful photographer, and thank you Harold Yaede for saving this great photo of "Lakeside" as we knew it back in the 30's through the 50's. Do you old timers remember the store that was right on the corner of "Lakeside?" How about the bathhouses that lined up along Lakeside Boulevard?
My posts on Lakeside, Gropp's Lake and Lakeside Park resulted in this fascinating message gem from Bette Lou Rowe Lowery, a native from the Lakeside Park area:
I grew up in Lakeside and I remember reading some of your articles about Lakeside and loved them all. My mother had the Lakeside Corner store for years so we were right on the lake for swimming and ice skating. I graduated and so did my brother, Joe, from Hamilton in 1949. My older brother, Jimmy, graduated from Hamilton in the 1930's. My sister, Joan, graduated in 1952. One of my hobbies is genealogy. My grandparents on both sides were potters and came from England to work in the potteries. My uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hulse, lived on Newkirk Ave. right next door to Kuser School. We could never figure that one out as they were childless. I see that we went to Hamilton during the same era. I never knew what a good education I got at Hamilton until I went to college. If you have any special pottery information I'd love to hear about it. I do have an old picture of my Grandfather Rowe and other men on a break at a pottery. Could write more but you have others you need to hear from. Thanks for all you do.
Bette Lou, anytime you want to "write more," you go right ahead. It's input such as this that adds to the history of the area, and would otherwise have gone unknown had you not added these very interesting lines. Any other photos you may have will be gratefully received by the Local History Collection. Thanks!
Hi Tom - What fun skating on the lake expecially at night! Home owners and Mrs. Rowe at the corner store had floodlights shinig on the lake and we'd skate to all of them. Also someone would build a bonfire on the Yardville Hgts. School side and what fun to skate there to warm up!
ReplyDeleteLakeside Girl
Tom - Wonderful memories esp. at this holiday time of the year. Christmas in Lakeside was really special - will stop by and share some with you including pictures sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteLakeside Girl