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Saturday, September 14, 2013


Here's and ad for the 1959 Datsun. In the dead end ball and roller bearing company I worked for for over 40 years, imports were a definite "no-no." Imported autos meant imported ball and roller bearings, and they were a critical threat to our survival. If we sold a "New Departure" (GM) wheel bearing made in Bristol, Connecticut for $9.95, a Japanese "NSK" equivalent would be $4.85. One of our customers was the U.S. Steel Fairless Works over in Morrisville. At the time, they wanted nothing to do with steel products that were made anywhere but in the U.S. They discouraged their employees from buying foreign. My boss asked us to buy American cars and drink from steel beverage cans. Along came aluminum cans and along with them came the demise of steel cans. Combine these foreign import  with the steel union getting all kinds of benefits including my neighbor's  13 week paid vacation as one who had the seniority for that perk,  and you can see one of the reasons for the beginning of the end for the U.S. steel industry.


Anonymous said...

As far back as I can remember, the assembly plant GM had on Parkway Avenue had the employee parking dived into two, later three sections. GM cars in the lot closest to the building and then Ford or Chrysler in a lot farther out. Later, I think they had foreign in the last tier or parking.

Ed Millerick

Ron Bound Sr said...

When I retired in 1989 from the military, I bought a Toyota. My mother in law was upset (they retired from GM), and my Dad's friends gave me hell, because Dad fought and survived Iwo Jima. I lived in Korea and Tokyo, working side by side with the locals.